WTF is EFT? 🤨

Madelaine Laine Allen, Melbourne Australia aka @EFT.Laine Global Advanced EFT Practitioner & Life Coach. Host of Podcast Tap That | EFT & Other Holistic Friends

When I tell people I’m an EFT practitioner one of three things generally happens. The first is the very minute group of people who know & say ‘Oh my god, tapping changed my life!’ 😍 The next are the majority who say, ‘oh yeah cool’, 😐 without knowing or wanting to know what EFT is, and the third response is ‘What the funk is EFT? You mean like EFTPOS?’ 💳

🪄 Well ladies & gents I am here today to educate you! The Emotional Freedom Technique (aka EFT, aka tapping) is one hellova’ tool for managing stress & anxiety. It's a form of alternative therapy that involves stimulating certain meridian (acupressure) points on the body with your fingertips, while focusing on a specific issue or problem.

Sounds easy-peasy-🍋-squeezy? Well it is.

The goal is to release negative emotions & create a sense of balance in the body & mind. 🧘‍♀️

EFT tapping has been used for year to help people manage physical pain, emotional distress, even addiction & oh so much more! It can be used as part of an overall wellness plan to reduce stress levels😊 improve sleep quality 😴 & boost overall mental health 🧠. No more overthinking, less stress & anxiety, releasing all the bullshit from your past that wasn’t yours to carry to begin with! 🙅‍♀️ BYE BITCH! 🙅‍♀️

A 2016 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease found that tapping significantly reduced anxiety amongst study participants. AAANDDD a study published in the journal Energy Psychology found that EFT tapping was associated with improved mood & decreased cortisol levels, which are hormones linked to stress 👌

EFT has also been used to help people cope with traumatic events, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School found that EFT tapping helped reduce symptoms of PTSD 👏 more 👏 effectively 👏 than traditional cognitive behavioural therapy.

So how do you use EFT?

Baby, this simplicity is going to blow your mind! 🤯You use your fingertips to tap on various points on the face, hands & body while repeating affirmations or mantras related to the issue you're trying to address. This helps to release any energy blockages in the body that may be causing physical or emotional discomfort.

The beauty of EFT tapping is that it can be done anywhere – all you need is yourself! You don't need any special equipment or training; anyone can learn how to do it in just a few minutes. And best of all, it's completely free! 🤑

🛑 Now before you run off & try it out on yourself, I always recommend you start with the simple stuff! 📣 Don’t go too deep, too early because you DO NOT want to get stuck in a sad girl hole with no shovel to dig yourself out.

If you find yourself feeling the big traumas coming on, or you’re just not hitting the mark with your release I recommend booking a session with someone who is IICT accredited (like my fine self) 💁‍♀️

Want to see EFT work in real time? ↓


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