Unsubscribing from Diet Culture Like a (Big) Boss 😎

Unsubscribing from diet culture like a big boss in collage text over yellow gingham background

Lately, it seems like every second ad on TV & every third post on Instagram is pushing some kind of diet or fitness program on me. SkinnyMe Tea has been replaced with ‘Eat these foods based on your shape’ & ads for F45 classes replaced with pilates on an app. I don’t know about you, but it feels like I’m drowning 🫠 in a pool of curated images of thin, white, women with unrealistic bodies & messages that suggest our worth is directly tied to our weight⚖️

Honestly, it's no wonder that so many of us have struggled with our relationship with food. Me, being 👩‍✈️Captain Choc-o-late of the Friday night feels in my early twenties. If I wasn’t out binge drinking I had my laptop open watching re-runs Gossip Girl chuggin’ a choccy Big M next to a cookie box after I downed a large pizza 🍕 promising myself that come Monday I will be up at 5am to hit the gym & only drink vodka sodas 🙄

But here's the thing: diets don't work, and diet culture sucks ass. It's time to unsubscribe from that BS and take control of our bodies and our lives! WHO’S WITH ME!? ✋

Let's dive into how I am unsubscribing from diet culture like a big boss, shall we?

  1. I WILL NO LONGER BE FOLLING ACCOUNTS THAT MAKE BE FEEL LIKE A BAG OF POOP 💩 The first step in ditching diet culture is to clean up my social media feeds. I’ll be unfollow any accounts that promote unhealthy messages or that make me feel bad about myself. Going forward, I will only be following accounts that promote body acceptance, healthy lifestyles that I align with, without promoting unrealistic standards of beauty. And of course account that contain dogs & memes...

  2. LEARNING WHAT SETS ME THE HECK’ OFF 🧯 We all have triggers that can lead us down the diet culture rabbit hole. For some people, it might be hearing someone make a negative comment about their body. For others, it might be seeing a certain influencer promote a diet plan, or waist trainer LOL (no lie, I wore one to work one day and almost passed the heck out in a meeting).  Knowing what triggers me can help me unpack why I feel a particular way, maybe use tapping tools & techniques, or avoid them if necessary.

  3. GETTING MY PEOPLE IN THE KNOW! 🤝I am new to unsubscribing from diet culture & already it’s proven to be a lil’ challenge. Especially since I’ve been entrenched in it for a long time, like MY WHOLE LIFE. That's why it's important to me that I build a support system. Of course, I have friends or family members who support my decision to embrace a healthy, positive relationship with eating and exercise, but it’s also important to me that I learn not only what my boundaries are but also enforcing them with my people. Yes, my mum might be supportive of my journey, but do I want to listen to her talking about a new restrictive diet she’s just adopted? Not right now.  So, I have also taken the time to join a couple of Facebook communities of like-minded people. However, it’s awfully quite in those group. Like eerily quiet. Do people still use Facebook?

  4. FOCUS ON MA’ FEELINGS! ✨ One of the most important things I am learning to do when unsubscribing from diet culture is to focus on how I feel about my health, not my weight, or appearance. Instead of obsessing over the fact my jeans I’ve had since high school no longer fit, I will choose to focus on the things that really matter, like how I feel in your body, my energy levels, and my overall joy & well-being. Instead of trying to change my body to fit unrealistic standards, I will be laser focused intuitively nourishing and caring for my body the best I know how, through learning!

I honestly think that the key to unsubscribing from diet culture is to learning to embrace your body as it is 🔓 Your body is unique, beautiful, and worthy of love and respect, regardless of its size or shape. Stop trying to change it and start loving it for everything it does for you. Wear clothes that make you feel good, treat yourself to things that make you feel good, and appreciate the beauty of your body exactly as it is. And when I say ‘your’ I’m also talking to myself, it’s a learning & unlearning experience. It takes time. It’s not linear. 📈📉

This shitty diet culture isn't easy to escape from, but it's not impossible, either (I hope!) 🤞 By cleaning my social media, learning my triggers, building a support system, enforcing appropriate boundaries, focusing on health, and learning to embrace my body as it is, I know I can break free from the toxic cycle 😵‍💫 of dieting and create a more accepting, healthy relationship with food and exercise.

My honey, let's unsubscribe from diet culture like the boss babes we are, and choose to live our lives on our own terms! CAN I GET A HELL YEEEEEEAH!? 🙌

P.S. I am beyond excited to announce that the beta waitlist for my new program, 'A Woman's Worth', is now officially open! 😮 This is an exclusive opportunity to become part of a transformative journey aimed at empowering women 💪 This 9-week journey is designed to help you rediscover your worth, set healthy boundaries, and find liberation within a supportive community of women on the same transformational journey!

With limited spots available, I highly suggest you join the waitlist today to be the first in the know! Your journey to embracing your worth begins here.

Join the waitlist ↓


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