New Year, True You: How to Get More in 2024

As the 2023 year draws to a close, it's easy to get sucked into the same old ‘new year, new bitch’ mindset, with resolutions that sound more like doing 8 loads of washing than anything else.

BUUUUT what if we took a different approach for 2024?

Let's forget about diet culture & the toxic positivity that can come with resolutions - you know the ones I am talking about. Instead, let's make some purposeful & intentional resolutions that focus on self-acceptance & taking care of ourselves. Because you that saying about being unable to fill a cup if yours is empty, well it’s true, boo!

Here are some ways we can get more out of 2024! 👇

1. Embrace Your Authentic Self

When writing your resolutions, start by embracing your authentic self. This means accepting who you are right here, right now, not who you think you should be. Be honest. It’s okay if you’re not who you want to be just yet, you know you’re working towards that bad bitch energy. So forget about trying to fit into society's narrow standards or comparing yourself to others. Sit with yourself for a hot minute, maybe journal about where it is you are right now & where you want to be a year from now.


2. Focus on Nurturing Your Mind and Soul 🧘‍♀️

Instead of setting weight loss goals, where we restrict our eating & sign up to a gym with the intention of going every single draining day. Why not set intentions that are going to nurture your mind and soul? This could be anything from starting a mindfulness practice like Emotional Freedom Techniques, learning a new skill that you’ve always wanted to try, or dedicating time each week to something that brings you joy. When you focus on deepening your life rather than restricting it, you'll find joy and satisfaction in the rollercoaster ride that is the journey, baby!


3. Set Intentions, Not Restrictions 🙅‍♀️

The language we use when setting our resolutions can make a huge difference. Instead of framing them as restrictions, like "I won't eat junk food this year", try setting a more neutral intention. For example, "I will nourish my body with diverse foods that make me feel good". This subtle yet sexy shift in our language helps create a more accepting to positive mindset & promotes a healthier relationship with your mind body & soul. Speak to yourself as if you were speaking to a young child, or your bestie, it can make all the difference!

4. Celebrate Every Step 🍾

Remember, every small step taken with intention is a step towards becoming the person you want to be. Celebrating your progress deserves as much attention as you give the stressors you think about day-in-day-out. Celebrating these steps not only boosts your motivation to continue the journey, but it also fosters a sense of self-acceptance.

5. Practice Self-Compassion

Lastly, approach your resolutions with self-compassion. There will be days when things don't go as planned, shit hits the fan, or we’re faced with life-changing circumstances & that's okay. At the end of the day, We’re only human & our brains tend to love the familiar so change will take more time than you think it will. You have the right to change your mind whenever you want. Be gentle with yourself & remember that you're on a journey of growth and learning, not perfection. Because perfection is a myth.


As we gear up for more in 2024, let's make it a year of self-acceptance, and intentional living. Forget about diet culture, restrictions, comparison & toxic body positivity; it's time to honor you, in all your beautiful uniqueness.

If you’re interested in joining me & some other incredible humans for the online 2-hour ‘New Year, True You: A Workshop in Authentic Wellness’ where we will take a dive into the 8 dimensions of wellness, you certainly can! Here’s all the details!

Here's to a year of empowering ourselves and each other, together. 💖

P.S. I am beyond excited to announce that the beta waitlist for my new program, 'A Woman's Worth', is now officially open! 😮 This is an exclusive opportunity to become part of a transformative journey aimed at empowering women 💪 This 9-week journey is designed to help you rediscover your worth, set healthy boundaries, and find liberation within a supportive community of women on the same transformational journey!

With limited spots available, I highly suggest you join the waitlist today to be the first in the know! Your journey to embracing your worth begins here.

Join the waitlist ↓


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