🍭 Finding the Sweet Spot- The Line between Body Love & Body Acceptance 💗

Blog by Laine Allen titled 'Finding the Sweet Spot- The Line between Body Love & Body Acceptance' ina collage style on an orange gingham background

🥧 My Oddy Body Honey Pie, why is it that we always strive to look like that one Victoria Secrets model that's the paragon of beauty standards? 🤔 Let's face it; this society's obsession with the perfect body has made us feel inadequate every time we look in the mirror 🪞 We have to realize that it's not our bodies or ourselves that need to change, but our mindset & how we FEEL inside of our body, especially about the line between body love & body acceptance. Grab a lil snacky snack 🧃 whilst we explore the difference between embracing & accepting our bodies & find that sweet spot!


First things first, let's clarify what body love is. It means embracing, celebrating, & nurturing the skin you're in, regardless of body type, size, or imperfection. The core principle of body love is unrestrained love rather than striving for perfection. Body love nurtures from within; it's all about what you think & feel about yourself, not what you do to look good or meet society's beauty standards.

However, there is a toxic culture brewing my friends.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, telling your reflection over and over again ‘I love you, you’re perfect, you don’t have stretchmarks, or blemishes, or the weird little flabby bit of skin that pokes out between your armpit and your bra strap, oh no, no, no. You babe, are a GODDESS!’ 🫴 when you know it’s not how you really feel about yourself.

Don’t get me wrong, I want you to get to that place, I want to get to that place too & sometimes I am in that place. But I have come to learn & accept full well that those moments are fleeting 🐇

Loving your body all day, every day is not feasible, and frankly it kinda sounds exhausting…

Body acceptance, on the other hand, is accepting your body for what it is.

💗 It's about recognizing your body as a vessel & appreciating it for all that it does for you every day.

💗 It's about acknowledging & respecting your body without judgment or negativity.

💗 It's the understanding that we come in different shapes & sizes, & we should embrace & accept ourselves for who we are.

Body acceptance comes from recognizing that your worth isn't based on your appearance, but what's more, the efforts you put into your character, personality, & self-growth.

So let's talk about finding the sweet spot between body love & body acceptance. It's all about finding that balance ⚖️ where you acknowledge your body for what it is & treat it with love & respect. You take care of it; you embrace & love it the way it is, but at the same time, you work on it to become a better, healthier version of yourself, not just for aesthetics. LET ME REPEAT THAT, NOT JUST FOR ASETHETICS! You appreciate your body's journey & recognize its beauty, imperfections & understand the need for self-care, & development. The concept behind the sweet spot is accepting who you are & loving yourself as you are, but still striving to become your best version.


It's easy to lose sight of the sweet spot when faced with societal pressure & unrealistic beauty standards 💄 We often forget that perfection 👏 doesn't 👏 exist 👏 & we need to appreciate ourselves & our bodies' journey. It's no wonder that so many women struggle with body image issues.

We need to realize that accepting or loving our bodies doesn't happen overnight, & it's an ongoing process. Nor is it linear. There will be days where your reflection makes you look twice for the wrong reasons, and days where you’ll look twice for the right reasons if ya catch ma drift! 👀 You need to be kind & gentle with yourself as you learn to appreciate & embrace who you are in a world that thrives on your outward beauty & thinness.


This line between body love & body acceptance is a fine one that we need to walk every day. Some expect us to walk that fine line in heels & weighing at least 20 kilos less. What we need to understand is that our bodies are unique, they do things some other bodies cannot, they change over time, there are so many factors that contribute to the way our bodies look on a daily basis.

Today I want you to try to embrace your body for what it is right now, celebrate it in some way & with the love & respect you & it deserve! 💗 Message me on Instagram & tell me what you did @eft.laine.

P.S. I am beyond excited to announce that the beta waitlist for my new program, 'A Woman's Worth', is now officially open! 😮 This is an exclusive opportunity to become part of a transformative journey aimed at empowering women 💪 This 9-week journey is designed to help you rediscover your worth, set healthy boundaries, and find liberation within a supportive community of women on the same transformational journey!

With limited spots available, I highly suggest you join the waitlist today to be the first in the know! Your journey to embracing your worth begins here.

Join the waitlist ↓


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