Embrace Your Bad Body with Alternative & Holistic Modalities! 🪄

Blog by Laine Allen titled 'Embrace Your Bad Bod' in a collage style on a blue gingham background

🥱*SIGH* Aren’t you tired of feeling negative about your body & comparing it with others? Sitting on Insta wishing you had been born ‘influencer’ worthy? Or spending hours researching ways to drop a few kilos that don’t involve $180 Lulu Lemon tights & a sweaty ass? 🍑💦

Trust me, babe, you are NOT alone in this.

We all have our insecurities, but when will it be time to stop punishing ourselves?

We’re told that our bodies are our temples, & we need to respect & embrace them with love & compassion. But how do we do that? How can I fit in an hours’ worth of exercise every day 🥵 ensure I’m drinking 8 glasses of water 🥛 getting my 10,000 steps 🏃‍♀️ sleeping a minimum or 8 hours, coo 😴 a nutritious breakfast, lunch & dinner 🥗 amongst the myriad of other things we’re supposed to do that contribute to how we’re supposed to look?

If you know me by now, you know that I am all about the dismantling of the systems that uphold these ideologies. But if we want a different outcome, we need a different approach.

And alternative & holistic modalities can help you with body acceptance.

I’m a very loud & proud Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner, body acceptance coach & podcast host with a mission to empower you on your journey of self-acceptance & liberation. However, I do not believe that emotional freedom techniques is the be-all-and-end-all when it comes to healing. If any other coach, practitioner, teacher, healer etc. wants to push their modality as the saving grace to all your battle wounds, send ‘em my way..


There are so many beautiful practices that can help you as a whole, or for specific releases, or as a combination & I want to talk about some of my favourite practices with you in this blog.


Yoga 🧘

Yoga's got your front, your back & your soul, too! I was so reluctant to try yoga outside my humble abode. I was in my head & slightly intimidated by the Lulu Lemon wearing girl gang. But this mind-bending, body-twisting workout helped me embrace my bod, just the way it is.

With every stretch & twist, I inhale peace, & exhale all that stress. From downward dog to warrior, I have learned that it's not about nailing the perfect pose but relishing the experience. So, next time you hit the mat, remember to accept where you are in the moment & feel the strength, flexibility, and confidence radiate from within.

Meditation 🍃

Picture this: you're lounging in a serene meadow, taking deep breaths, and sinking into your skin. As you meditate, the chatting voice in your head fades away, and you tune in to your body's gentle rhythms. Suddenly, it hits you: meditation is an antidote for body acceptance! ⚗️

By tapping into our breath and bods, we can gracefully say ‘goodbye’ to unhelpful thoughts & judgments & replace them with self-acceptance & a more positive perspective. As you keep up with your meditation routine, you’ll notice that stress, anxiety & the blues fade away, leaving us feeling empowered & embracing our unique bods.


Ayurveda 🧉

Ayurveda, is something that I have only just started to learn about. It’s the ancient Indian science of wellness, is all about celebrating our one-of-a-kind bodies and their quirks. According to this time-honored practice, we each have our own blueprint, a unique constitution that defines what's good for us. So, instead of following a one-size-fits-all approach, Ayurveda urges us to listen to our bodies & give them exactly what they need to be at their best, whether it's chowing down on the right foods, busting a move or adopting habits that fit us like a glove. When we honor our individuality, we can begin to appreciate the magnificent wonder that is our own body, with all its quirky qualities.


Energy healing 💫

Energy healing is a holistic modality that works with the subtle energy systems of our bodies. By identifying & clearing energetic blocks, we can release emotional baggage that may be keeping us stuck in negative thought patterns around our bodies. Reiki, Emotional Freedom Techniques & other forms of energy healing can help us connect with our bodies on a deep level, leading to greater self-acceptance & appreciation.

Journaling ✍️

I'm a journaling fanatic, y'all! Scribbling down our innermost musings is like a magic wand that can ‘Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo’ 🪄 away negative body image. With each page, we uncover patterns & themes that could be contributing to our self-doubt. As we examine our beliefs & attitudes on paper, we can start to challenge them & replace them with more uplifting & empowering perspectives. Keeping up with this journaling gig can help you develop an even deeper appreciation & acceptance for your body. 

Gals, it really is time to stop beating ourselves up over our bodies. Our bodies are amazing skin suits that allow us to experience life! The ups, the downs, the round & rounds!

By embracing alternative & holistic modalities, we can learn to accept & appreciate our bodies for all they do for us. From yoga & meditation to Ayurveda & energy healing, there are so many resources available to help us on our journey of self-acceptance & liberation.

So let's start living our lives in appreciation of our bodies, & let go of negative thoughts & judgments that no longer serve us. Only then can we start to change the big machine that keep us ladies small!

Remember, you’re amazing just the way you are!

P.S. I am beyond excited to announce that the beta waitlist for my new program, 'A Woman's Worth', is now officially open! 😮 This is an exclusive opportunity to become part of a transformative journey aimed at empowering women 💪 This 9-week journey is designed to help you rediscover your worth, set healthy boundaries, and find liberation within a supportive community of women on the same transformational journey!

With limited spots available, I highly suggest you join the waitlist today to be the first in the know! Your journey to embracing your worth begins here.

Join the waitlist ↓


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